Emojis in Anki to enhance learning - using AutoHotkey
Emojis make memorizing things easier. But I found it very cumbersome to add emojis on Anki. The normal Windows 10 (Win + .) emoji keyboard didn’t work. I tried other ways but that too never produced color emojis. However, copy-pasting from an online emoji database seemed to work. But copy-pasting every time you need an emoji is not feasible. So I wrote a simple AutoHotkey script that sends the Unicode characters of the emojis when a hotkey is entered.
[caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”1366”] The text next to the emojis are only possible use-cases and not the keyword[/caption]
eg:- Using :flag: results in 🚩
I’ve restricted my list to only few emojis that I think are the most essential in making cards.
The keywords (hotkey) to use can be found by opening the .ahk file with a text editor. Feel free to add your own emojis and modify the hotkeys.
Note: This is not an Anki addon. It’s a script that runs separately in the background.
Know issue: Sometimes certain emojis don’t seem to work. I haven’t yet figured out why. But the problem gets fixed either with a reload of the script (Alt + r) or by typing another hotkey.
[code language=”cpp”] #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force
#Hotstring EndChars : #Hotstring 0
:::bulb:: send % chr(0x1F4A1) return
:::100:: send % chr(0x1F4AF) return
:::ok:: send % chr(0x1F44C) return
:::v:: send % chr(0x270C) return
:::left:: send % chr(0x1F448) return
:::right:: send % chr(0x1F449) return
:::up:: send % chr(0x1F446) return
:::down:: send % chr(0x1F447) return
:::+1:: send % chr(0x1F44D) return
:::-1:: send % chr(0x1F44E) return
:::eyes:: send % chr(0x1F440) return
:::anchor:: send % chr(0x2693) return
:::zap:: send % chr(0x26A1) return
:::fire:: send % chr(0x1F525) return
:::medal:: send % chr(0x1F3C5) return
:::target:: send % chr(0x1F3AF) return
:::textbook:: send % chr(0x1F4DA) return
:::pin:: send % chr(0x1F4CC) return
:::key:: send % chr(0x1F511) return
:::link:: send % chr(0x1F517) return
:::warning:: send % chr(0x26A0) return
:::stop:: send % chr(0x26D4) return
:::checkbox:: send % chr(0x2705) return
:::wrong:: send % chr(0x274C) return
:::flag:: send % chr(0x1F6A9) return
**If you’re new to AHK: **Documentation